August 5, 2020

Psst: if you just want the calculator and don’t want to even SEE any math never mind all the exposition, you can skip straight to it. Why a calculator? There are loads of denting charts online (often called reed or sett substitution charts) but in my opinion a chart just doesn’t cut it. For one

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June 3, 2020

This is going to be a really quick post with one quick example of tie-up ratios ’cause folks have been asking for help and I want to get something online before the Live Q&A tonight. I hope to have time to come back and add more exposition to this later. The question is this: I

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May 29, 2020

Once you’ve got experience with a particular yarn, it’s pretty easy to decide what sett to use for a new project. Want it firmer than whatever you’ve done before? Increase the sett. Want more drape? Open the sett up. Changing the tie-up to one with more or longer floats? Increase. Change to a structure with

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May 23, 2020

I had planned to do a cool series of posts leading up to “TA DA! WEAVEALONG!” but time and energy got away from me. (You think you’ve got all the time in the world ’cause your shop is closed but it turns out that going through a global pandemic takes a lot of energy, even

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May 22, 2020

Ho boy! Last night I did a live Virtual Stash Tour on Facebook and then the folks who participated helped pick out a mini-stash for my friend and guild-mate Kate d’Ettore. Kate wants to do the Weave-along that Tien Chiu and I are organizing (more about this in the next post, I promise, but for

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